Windham County, Vermont
Please consider these the unapproved minutes. Approved minutes are available at the Town Clerk's office.
The Listers play an important role in town government. They are charged with determining the value of the real property in town. Based on that valuation, the Selectboard will set a tax rate necessary to raise the money to pay for town services, the maintenance of town highways, and the school.
The Listers are directed to appraise all real property in town at 100 percent of the fair market value. The estimated fair market value is the price that the property will bring in the open market when offered for sale and purchased by another, taking into consideration all the elements of the availability of the property, its use both potential and prospective, any functional deficiencies, and all other elements, such as age and condition, which combine to give property a market value.
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The Listers holds grievance hearings for those taxpayers who wish to contest their appraisals. Decisions of the listers may be appealed to the Board of Civil Authority, and the listers may appear before the board to defend the appraisals in question.
Our listers - Charlotte Neer Annis, Michael Silberman, and Stephan Mindel - can be reached at, or by calling the Town Office at 257-1496.