File Cabinet

Forms, Permits, Applications, Licenses

At your Town Office...
Request for Vital Record - (1 page - PDF)
Certificate of Name Change - (1 page - PDF)
Itinerant Vendors License Application - (1 page - PDF)
Developing your property...
Zoning Permit Application and Checklist - (3 pages - PDF)
Zoning Permit Fees - (1 page - PDF)
Land Division (Subdivision) Permit Application - (3 pages - PDF)
DRB - Hearing Application - (2 pages - PDF)
DRB - Notice & Posting requirements - (3 pages - PDF)
Curb Cut Permit Application - (2 pages - PDF)   You may, depending on the nature of your project, need a Curb Cut Permit. This is required whenever you wish to create a new or otherwise undocumented access into the public roadway.

State of Vermont forms...
HS-122 Homestead Declaration - (due annually - April 15th)  
DMV Express - renew your car registration online

Policy, Ordinances, Guidelines

About Abatement - Guidelines and Statutes - (14 pages - PDF)
Responsibilities for Owners of Rental Properties - (2 pages - PDF)
Fire Safety Considerations for Short-Term Rental Operators - (1 page - PDF)
Vermont Residential Rental Housing Health & Safety Code - (15 pages - PDF)
Zoning Bylaw (adopted 9/23/15, amended 4/6/22) - (77 pages - PDF)
Map: Zoning Districts - (1 11"x17" page - PDF)
Map: Riparian Areas - (1 11"x17" page - PDF)
DRB Notice & Posting requirements - (3 pages - PDF)
DRB Rules of Procedure and Conflict of Interest Policy - (9 pages - PDF)
Town Plan - adopted February 14, 2018
Animal Control Ordinance - (12 pages - PDF)
Street Naming (E-911) Ordinance - (7 pages - PDF)
Traffic Ordinance (2002) - (10 pages - PDF)
Ammendment to Traffic Ordinance (2003) - (3 pages - PDF)
Trailer Park Ordinance - (3 pages - PDF)
Vendor Ordinance - (3 pages - PDF)
Wireless Telecommunications Ordinance - (11 pages - PDF)
Town Meetings...
Town Meeting 2025: Annual Report for 2024 - (84 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2024: Annual Report for 2023 - (84 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2023: Annual Report for 2022 - (72 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2022: Annual Report for 2021 - (70 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2021: Annual Report for 2020 - (74 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2019: Annual Report for 2018 - (74 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2017: Minutes - (4 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2017: School District Meeting Minutes - (2 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2017: Annual Report for 2016 - (68 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2013 Minutes (Draft) - (6 pages - PDF)
Town Meeting 2012 Minutes - (7 pages - PDF)
School District 2012 Meeting Minutes - (4 pages - PDF)

Documentation, Statistics, Background

Maps of All Property Parcels, With Lot Numbers (NOTE: There is no "Map 1")
- Map 2: Northwestern Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
- Map 3: North Central Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
- Map 4: Northeastern Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
- Map 5: Southwesternmost Corner of Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
- Map 6: Southwestern Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
- Map 7: South Central Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
- Map 8: Southeastern Dummerston - (1 page - PDF)
2016 Grand List
2014 Grand List
2013 Grand List